A recent study ranks Murray State University as one of the most restrictive universities on free speech in the state.

The Foundation For Individual Rights In Education conducted the study. The nonprofit organization aims to protect first amendment rights of university faculty and students.

The rankings are based on university policies that regulate expression and are represented on a traffic light scale.

Green is the least restrictive while red being the most. Murray State scored a red light. Lead author of the annual study Laura Beltz said Murray State’s information technology policy is not constitutional.

“The particular policy at Murray State says that I.T. resources may not be used in a harassing, profane, or abusive manner. And that policy earns a red light, it is clearly restricting speech that is constitutionally protected,” said Beltz

Murray State’s internet usage policy says  “University information technology resources may not be used in a harassing, offensive, profane, or abusive manner. The perception or reaction of affected persons is a major factor in determining if a specific action is in violation of this policy.”

11 percent of schools nationwide earned a green light. Laura Beltz said limiting expression at universities limits ideas.

“Colleges should serve as a marketplace of ideas where you’re able to discuss and debate with other students,” said Belltz “And if you have policies that are saying that any subjectively offensive speech could be punished, your rights are limited.”

The University of Louisville and Eastern Kentucky University are some of only 52 universities nationwide with a green light rating. Morehead State University and Murray State University both have red light ratings.

Five of the nine state higher education institutions in the study scored the most common rating of a yellow light.